Sony MDR-1A

Sony MDR-1A

EAN: 4905524984934
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Технические характеристики



Тип гарнитуры Binaural
Стиль ношения Head-band


Полное сопротивление 24 Ω
Юнит динамика 40 mm
Чувствительность наушников 105 dB
Частота наушников 3 - 100000 Hz
Тип наушников Circumaural
Акустическая система Closed
Тип драйвера Dynamic

Данные об упаковке

Футляр для транспортировки Y


Maximum input power 1500 mW

Порты и интерфейсы

Тип интерфейса 3.5 mm (1/8")


Технология подключения Wired
3.5mm, 3 - 100000Hz, 105dB, 24Ω <b>Enjoy music as the artist intended with High-Resolution Audio</b>

Take your digital music collection to another level with High-Resolution Audio. By converting analogue music to digital at a higher rate than CD (24-bit/192kHz, rather than 16-bit/44.1kHz), High-Resolution Audio allows you to get closer to the original studio recording and enjoy your music just as the artist intended.

<b>Dynamic HD drivers deliver authentic sound</b>

Powerful 40mm HD driver units with large vents enable the headphones to deliver punchy, rhythmic bass on even the most demanding track. A light but rigid aluminium-coated liquid crystal polymer diaphragm responds quickly to reproduce vocals and mid-high range notes with intense clarity. Turn up the volume and hear clear, precise sound across the spectrum.

<b>Wide frequency response for a full range of sound</b>

The wide-band frequency range – spanning 3Hz to 100kHz – is designed for today’s broad variety of music styles. The 3Hz low end of the frequency range offers more than enough latitude for even the deepest sub-bass notes. At the 100kHz high-end, you’ll be able to enjoy vocal melodies, subtle audio harmonics and tonality, giving your music more life and realism.

<b>High sensitivity for a loud, clear performance</b>

With a high sensitivity of 105dB/mW, these headphones are highly efficient in converting electricity into acoustic signals. This means you’ll hear a clearer sound across the entire audio spectrum (compared to less sensitive headphones) when listening to music through the same source and at the same volume level.

<b>Aluminium-coated LCP diaphragm for more precision</b>

An aluminium-coated, liquid crystal polymer diaphragm gives a more consistent and precise sound across the entire frequency range than a conventional LCP driver. Sound energy lost during transmission to the headphone housing is more uniform, to ensure a true and authentic performance. You’ll also enjoy a flatter frequency response, even when listening to the ultra high frequencies of High-Resolution Audio.

<b>Bass enhancing vents for punchy beats</b>

Precisely sculpted vents maximise the airflow within the headphone, allowing the LCP diaphragm to breathe more easily and deliver an instant response to powerful low-end bass lines.

<b>Enfolding closed-back design seals in sound</b>

The closed-back, enfolding design wraps around the ear, helping to seal in music and keep distractions out. Acoustics are reflected back towards your ears, so you hear even the subtlest of sounds. You’ll also feel every beat, as the closed-back design helps to maximise the bass signatures in your music.

<b>Balanced audio cuts cross-talk</b>

With a balanced 4-wire connection and silver-copper dual cord, audio channel separation is improved for better sound. Unlike conventional headphones, which share a ground wire, the cord includes left, right and independent ground wires for both channels, so you hear less distortion and cross-talk.

<b>Pressure-relieving earpads for total comfort</b>

Soft leather earpads with pressure-relieving cushions have been designed to rise and shape around your ears, ensuring a comfortable fit. Smooth materials and seamless sewing provide a harmonious mix of comfort and durability for long hours of listening.

<b>Swivel folding design makes travel easy</b>

Take these headphones anywhere you go. A swivel folding design makes it easy to store them when not in use or while traveling. The earcups swivel flat for easy packing in a suitcase or slipping into a bag.

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